Object Dependencies

Searching for table 'Attachments' from Tasks.fmp12

Searching all 4 files...

Loading file 1: Tasks.xml

no references

Loading file 2: Content Management_fmp12.xml

no references

Loading file 3: Inventory_fmp12.xml

no references

Loading file 4: Tasks_fmp12.xml

Found one table based on “Attachments”
Searching for “Attachments”. 14 references found

14 references found

1 reference within Base Tables
1 reference within Relationship Graph
8 references within Layouts
4 references within Scripts

# 1. File/BaseTableCatalog/BaseTable[3]/FieldCatalog/Field[1]/AutoEnter/Calculation

BaseTable [3] Attachments (id:133, records:0, name:Attachments)
→ → Field ::TASK ID MATCH FIELD ( id 1) (id:1, dataType:Number, fieldType:Normal, name:TASK ID MATCH FIELD)
→ → → AutoEnter (allowEditing, calculation) (allowEditing:True, overwriteExistingValue:True, alwaysEvaluate:False, constant:False, furigana:False, lookup:False, calculation:True)
→ → → → Calculation context: Attachments (table:Attachments)
# 2. File/RelationshipGraph/RelationshipList/Relationship[2]/JoinPredicateList/JoinPredicate/RightField/Field

Relationship [2] Tasks -||- Attachments (id:4)
Lookup Start from: (id ) (type:Equal)
→ → RightField
→ → → Field Attachments::TASK ID MATCH FIELD ( id 1) (table:Attachments, id:1, name:TASK ID MATCH FIELD)
# 3. File/LayoutCatalog/Group[1]/Layout[2]/Object[7]/PortalObj/FieldList/Field[1]

Group (groupCollapsed:False, includeInMenu:True, id:9, name:Desktop)
Layout [2] Task Details context: Tasks (width:1000, quickFind:True, includeInMenu:True, id:1, name:Task Details)
→ → Portal object[7] (398, 377, 570, 967) (type:Portal, key:366, LabelKey:0, flags:-536870912, rotation:0)
→ → → Portal context: Attachments (portalFlags:305, numOfRows:2, initialRow:1)
→ → → → FieldList
→ → → → → Field Attachments::Attachment | Container ( id 3) (table:Attachments, id:3, name:Attachment | Container)
# 4. File/LayoutCatalog/Group[1]/Layout[2]/Object[7]/PortalObj/FieldList/Field[2]

Group (groupCollapsed:False, includeInMenu:True, id:9, name:Desktop)
Layout [2] Task Details context: Tasks (width:1000, quickFind:True, includeInMenu:True, id:1, name:Task Details)
→ → Portal object[7] (398, 377, 570, 967) (type:Portal, key:366, LabelKey:0, flags:-536870912, rotation:0)
→ → → Portal context: Attachments (portalFlags:305, numOfRows:2, initialRow:1)
→ → → → FieldList
→ → → → → Field Attachments::Comments ( id 2) (table:Attachments, id:2, name:Comments)
# 5. File/LayoutCatalog/Group[1]/Layout[2]/Object[7]/PortalObj/Object[1]/FieldObj/DDRInfo/Field

Group (groupCollapsed:False, includeInMenu:True, id:9, name:Desktop)
Layout [2] Task Details context: Tasks (width:1000, quickFind:True, includeInMenu:True, id:1, name:Task Details)
→ → Portal object[7] (398, 377, 570, 967) (type:Portal, key:366, LabelKey:0, flags:-536870912, rotation:0)
→ → → Portal context: Attachments (portalFlags:305, numOfRows:2, initialRow:1)
→ → → → Field object[1] (412, 393, 472, 453) (type:Field, key:367, LabelKey:0, flags:-1593819136, rotation:0)
→ → → → → FieldObj Attachments::Attachment | Container (numOfReps:1, flags:141554, inputMode:0, keyboardType:0, displayType:0, tableViewVisibility:0, quickFind:0, pictFormat:5)
→ → → → → → DDRInfo
→ → → → → → → Field Attachments::Attachment | Container ( id 3) (name:Attachment | Container, id:3, repetition:1, maxRepetition:1, table:Attachments)
# 6. File/LayoutCatalog/Group[1]/Layout[2]/Object[7]/PortalObj/Object[2]/FieldObj/DDRInfo/Field

Group (groupCollapsed:False, includeInMenu:True, id:9, name:Desktop)
Layout [2] Task Details context: Tasks (width:1000, quickFind:True, includeInMenu:True, id:1, name:Task Details)
→ → Portal object[7] (398, 377, 570, 967) (type:Portal, key:366, LabelKey:0, flags:-536870912, rotation:0)
→ → → Portal context: Attachments (portalFlags:305, numOfRows:2, initialRow:1)
→ → → → Field object[2] (413, 466, 472, 895) (type:Field, key:368, LabelKey:0, flags:-536870912, rotation:0)
→ → → → → FieldObj Attachments::Comments (numOfReps:1, flags:139296, inputMode:0, keyboardType:0, displayType:0, tableViewVisibility:0, quickFind:1, pictFormat:5)
→ → → → → → DDRInfo
→ → → → → → → Field Attachments::Comments ( id 2) (name:Comments, id:2, repetition:1, maxRepetition:1, table:Attachments)
# 7. File/LayoutCatalog/Group[2]/Layout[4]/Object[1]/FieldObj/DDRInfo/Field

Group (groupCollapsed:False, includeInMenu:True, id:11, name:Tablet)
Layout [4] Attachments | Tablet context: Attachments (width:768, quickFind:False, includeInMenu:False, id:72, name:Attachments | Tablet)
→ → Field object[1] (99, 200, 249, 752) (type:Field, key:87, LabelKey:0, flags:1073741824, rotation:0)
→ → → FieldObj Attachments::Comments (numOfReps:1, flags:172210, inputMode:0, keyboardType:0, displayType:0, tableViewVisibility:0, quickFind:0, pictFormat:5)
→ → → → DDRInfo
→ → → → → Field Attachments::Comments ( id 2) (name:Comments, id:2, repetition:1, maxRepetition:1, table:Attachments)
# 8. File/LayoutCatalog/Group[2]/Layout[4]/Object[2]/FieldObj/DDRInfo/Field

Group (groupCollapsed:False, includeInMenu:True, id:11, name:Tablet)
Layout [4] Attachments | Tablet context: Attachments (width:768, quickFind:False, includeInMenu:False, id:72, name:Attachments | Tablet)
→ → Field object[2] (99, 15, 249, 165) (type:Field, key:88, LabelKey:0, flags:16777216, rotation:0)
→ → → FieldObj Attachments::Attachment | Container (numOfReps:1, flags:172274, inputMode:0, keyboardType:0, displayType:0, tableViewVisibility:0, quickFind:0, pictFormat:5)
→ → → → DDRInfo
→ → → → → Field Attachments::Attachment | Container ( id 3) (name:Attachment | Container, id:3, repetition:1, maxRepetition:1, table:Attachments)
# 9. File/LayoutCatalog/Group[3]/Layout[4]/Object[1]/FieldObj/DDRInfo/Field

Group (groupCollapsed:False, includeInMenu:True, id:13, name:Phone)
Layout [4] Attachments | Phone context: Attachments (width:319, quickFind:False, includeInMenu:False, id:36, name:Attachments | Phone)
→ → Field object[1] (280, 0, 373, 320) (type:Field, key:87, LabelKey:0, flags:1073741824, rotation:0)
→ → → FieldObj Attachments::Comments (numOfReps:1, flags:172210, inputMode:0, keyboardType:0, displayType:0, tableViewVisibility:0, quickFind:0, pictFormat:5)
→ → → → DDRInfo
→ → → → → Field Attachments::Comments ( id 2) (name:Comments, id:2, repetition:1, maxRepetition:1, table:Attachments)
# 10. File/LayoutCatalog/Group[3]/Layout[4]/Object[2]/FieldObj/DDRInfo/Field

Group (groupCollapsed:False, includeInMenu:True, id:13, name:Phone)
Layout [4] Attachments | Phone context: Attachments (width:319, quickFind:False, includeInMenu:False, id:36, name:Attachments | Phone)
→ → Field object[2] (89, 0, 239, 320) (type:Field, key:88, LabelKey:0, flags:1090519040, rotation:0)
→ → → FieldObj Attachments::Attachment | Container (numOfReps:1, flags:172274, inputMode:0, keyboardType:0, displayType:0, tableViewVisibility:0, quickFind:0, pictFormat:5)
→ → → → DDRInfo
→ → → → → Field Attachments::Attachment | Container ( id 3) (name:Attachment | Container, id:3, repetition:1, maxRepetition:1, table:Attachments)
# 11. File/ScriptCatalog/Script[4]/StepList/Step[5]/Field

Script Add Attachment [+] [4] (includeInMenu:False, runFullAccess:False, id:55, name:Add Attachment [+])
Step (enable:True, id:17, name:Go to Field)
→ → Field Attachments::Comments ( id 2) (table:Attachments, id:2, name:Comments)
# 12. File/ScriptCatalog/Script[4]/StepList/Step[9]/Field

Script Add Attachment [+] [4] (includeInMenu:False, runFullAccess:False, id:55, name:Add Attachment [+])
Step (enable:True, id:131, name:Insert File)
→ → Field Attachments::Attachment | Container ( id 3) (table:Attachments, id:3, name:Attachment | Container)
# 13. File/ScriptCatalog/Script[7]/StepList/Step[4]/DisplayCalculation/Chunk[3]/Field

Script Go to Attachments | Mobile [7] (includeInMenu:False, runFullAccess:False, id:50, name:Go to Attachments | Mobile)
Step (enable:True, id:68, name:If)
→ → Chunk FieldRef [3] FieldRef (type:FieldRef)
→ → → Field Attachments::TASK ID MATCH FIELD ( id 1) (table:Attachments, id:1, name:TASK ID MATCH FIELD)
# 14. File/ScriptCatalog/Script[7]/StepList/Step[22]/Field

Script Go to Attachments | Mobile [7] (includeInMenu:False, runFullAccess:False, id:50, name:Go to Attachments | Mobile)
Step (enable:True, id:155, name:Find Matching Records)
→ → Field Attachments::TASK ID MATCH FIELD ( id 1) (table:Attachments, id:1, name:TASK ID MATCH FIELD)