Object Dependencies

Searching for layout 'Product Details | Tablet' from Inventory.fmp12

Searching Inventory_fmp12.xml

Loading file 1: Inventory_fmp12.xml

7 items found referencing layout “Product Details | Tablet”

2 references within Layouts
5 references within Scripts

# 1. File/LayoutCatalog/Group[2]/Layout[1]/Object[1]/ButtonObj/Step/Layout

Group (groupCollapsed:False, includeInMenu:True, id:23, name:Tablet)
Layout [1] Inventory | Tablet context: Inventory (width:768, quickFind:True, includeInMenu:True, id:21, name:Inventory | Tablet)
→ → Button object[1] (74, 0, 198, 768) (type:Button, key:163, LabelKey:0, flags:1073741824, rotation:0)
→ → → ButtonObj (buttonFlags:0, iconSize:15, displayType:1)
→ → → → Step (enable:True, id:6, name:Go to Layout)
→ → → → → Layout Product Details | Tablet context: (id:22, name:Product Details | Tablet)
# 2. File/LayoutCatalog/Group[2]/Layout[4]/Object[6]/ButtonObj/Step/Layout

Group (groupCollapsed:False, includeInMenu:True, id:23, name:Tablet)
Layout [4] Stock Transactions | Tablet context: Stock Transactions (width:768, quickFind:False, includeInMenu:False, id:29, name:Stock Transactions | Tablet)
→ → Button object[6] (0, 0, 44, 142) (type:Button, key:101, LabelKey:0, flags:0, rotation:0)
→ → → ButtonObj (buttonFlags:0, iconSize:14, displayType:4)
→ → → → Step (enable:True, id:6, name:Go to Layout)
→ → → → → Layout Product Details | Tablet context: (id:22, name:Product Details | Tablet)
# 3. File/ScriptCatalog/Script[8]/StepList/Step[12]/Layout

Script Trigger | On First Window Open [8] (includeInMenu:False, runFullAccess:False, id:9, name:Trigger | On First Window Open)
Step (enable:True, id:6, name:Go to Layout)
→ → Layout Product Details | Tablet context: (id:22, name:Product Details | Tablet)
# 4. File/ScriptCatalog/Script[8]/StepList/Step[18]/Layout

Script Trigger | On First Window Open [8] (includeInMenu:False, runFullAccess:False, id:9, name:Trigger | On First Window Open)
Step (enable:True, id:6, name:Go to Layout)
→ → Layout Product Details | Tablet context: (id:22, name:Product Details | Tablet)
# 5. File/ScriptCatalog/Script[8]/StepList/Step[23]/Layout

Script Trigger | On First Window Open [8] (includeInMenu:False, runFullAccess:False, id:9, name:Trigger | On First Window Open)
Step (enable:False, id:6, name:Go to Layout)
→ → Layout Product Details | Tablet context: (id:22, name:Product Details | Tablet)
# 6. File/ScriptCatalog/Script[10]/StepList/Step[10]/Layout

Script Trigger | Create Inventory in List View | Mobile [10] (includeInMenu:False, runFullAccess:False, id:95, name:Trigger | Create Inventory in List View | Mobile)
Step (enable:True, id:6, name:Go to Layout)
→ → Layout Product Details | Tablet context: (id:22, name:Product Details | Tablet)
# 7. File/ScriptCatalog/Script[10]/StepList/Step[16]/Layout

Script Trigger | Create Inventory in List View | Mobile [10] (includeInMenu:False, runFullAccess:False, id:95, name:Trigger | Create Inventory in List View | Mobile)
Step (enable:True, id:6, name:Go to Layout)
→ → Layout Product Details | Tablet context: (id:22, name:Product Details | Tablet)