ddr summary/file

Extended Privileges in Inventory.fmp12

8 Extended Privilege Sets defined
#idnamecommentprivileges granted to
12fmxdbcAccess via ODBC/JDBC
23fmappAccess via FileMaker Network
  1. Staff Data Entry
35fmxmlAccess via XML Web Publishing - FMS only
46fmphpAccess via PHP Web Publishing - FMS only
57fmreauthenticate10Require re-authentication after the specified minutes in sleep/background. Go only.
  1. Staff Data Entry
68fmreauthenticate0Require re-authentication after the specified minutes in sleep/background. Go only.
  1. [Full Access]
  2. [Data Entry Only]
  3. [Read-Only Access]
79fmwebdirectAccess via FileMaker WebDirect